Why I Finally Started a Blog

Interior blogger


Wow! Anyone who knows me well has heard me rant about how I never wanted to have a blog. I thought it was a dying digital space and too much of a commitment (jokes on me because blogs continue to live on). Fast forward to a year after creating content on Instagram for fun and a sudden jump from 3K followers to 46K in five months, I realized all of my hard work and the boss babe community I’ve been blessed with on IG could vanish at any moment. Remember Vine!? If you’re reading this from the future, Vine was a short-video sharing app where people created magic in 6-seconds and brought everyone joy. One day we all woke up and it was suddenly GONE! The same thing could happen with IG at any moment and I realized the importance of having my own real estate on the world wide web.

lifestyle blogger

Lastly, I just wanted to create an organized and seamless space that allows anyone seeking more detailed interior tips and lifestyle encouragement to do so with ease. Okurrrrr? Love y’all!