How I Changed my Decor Style

Bedroom 2018

Bedroom 2018

Bedroom 2019

Bedroom 2019


I am pretty certain that I never had a decor style, prior to my current space in Brooklyn. I just had an assortment of hand-me-downs from college and knick-knacks thrown together. Is this the norm for any other 20-somethings? Also, surviving in NYC was my main priority for a long time, leaving interiors to sit DEEP on the back burner.

Fast forward to September 2018, my roommate and I finally decided to move out of our apartment that was falling apart and I decided it was time to let go of my hodge-podge items from 2012. This was the first time I was challenged with figuring out what I genuinely love.

boho bedroom

If you are struggling to find your “style,” I have been there, sis! You see so many cute spaces on Pinterest, but have no clue how to decide which to go with or MAYBE you’ve identified which style you want, but have no clue how to bring it to life within your budget? Possibly, the thought of decorating your home sounds daunting and miserable all together? Honestly, my process involved each of those mentalities too. Here are some KEY ways to remain sane on your home styling journey and get closer to the cozy space of your dreams.


1. Actively Seek Inspiration

Set aside a little time each week to actively (not mindlessly) sift through Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube videos or magazines for interior inspiration.


2. Notice Common Themes

Take note of which elements your favorite photos and videos have in common. I know this seems simple, but pay close attention to this. I had no clue that I loved neutral tones and greenery so much, until I noticed those two common themes in most of the spaces I adored.

west elm dresser boho bedroom

3. Own It & Accept Change

You are the star of the show in your space. It is meant to be enjoyed by you and whoever else dwells there. Whether you have eclectic taste, love a lot of color, find peace in neutrals or enjoy a more traditional look…you get to walk boldly in what makes you happy. Just know that as you evolve, your style may do the same and that is okay!

Let me know what decor struggles you face down below! Would love to hear from you guys and help in any way possible. Thanks for reading!