Easiest Beginner House Plants

Girl with plants easy beginner plants
philodendron easy beginner house plant
easy beginner house plants pathos philodendron zz plant

Here is the ice cold TEA, on a hot Summer day and ready to cool your worries away. If you are the person who has historically killed plants just by looking at them, this is for you, sis. If you are the person who thinks you’re too busy to nurture a leafy baby, this is for you, sis. Lastly, if you are the person who has been wanting to dabble in the plant parent life, but do not know where to start…this is for you, sis!

I used to believe that there is “somebody out there for everybody,” but as my dating life continues to look more like a forgotten Trader Joe’s salad (left alone, wilted and discarded), I’ve revised my mentality. I now believe there is “a PLANT out there for everybody.” Your lifestyle, location, living situation and many more factors can effect what types of foliage would thrive in your space. However, this post is going to highlight a few resilient plants that are STRONGER than your circumstances and your possible neglect.

pilea peperomioides Chinese money plant easy beginner plant

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

Light: Loves bright, indirect light. Do not place in direct sunlight. It will scorch the leaves.

Water: Does not like soggy soil. So, allow soil to dry 2-3 inches deep between watering. If the leaves look droopy, it’s time to water (easy trick with this plant).

Benefits: Can improve air quality

Pets: Non-toxic for pets, but when ingested in large amounts it can cause a mild digestive reaction.

Care Level: ♥ ♥

easy beginner pathos plant

POTHOS (Epipremnum aureum)

Light: Loves bright & indirect light, but can live in low light or florescent light settings

Water: Allow the top 2-3 inches of the soil to dry out between watering (stick the tip of your finger in the soil to test moisture). I water mine every 7-10 days dependent on the time of year.

Benefits: air purifying, easy to propagate, resilient

Pets: Rarely fatal, but can cause vomiting and irritation

Care Level:

philodendron easy beginner plant


Light: Loves medium or bright indirect light. If too many leaves are turning yellow at the same time, it may be getting too much light. If the stems are getting too leggy with many inches between the leaves, it may need more light.

Water: Allow the top 2-3 inches of the soil to dry out between watering (stick the tip of your finger in the soil to test moisture). I water mine every 7-10 days dependent on the time of year. Dark brown leaves may indicate under watering or overwatering.

Benefits: adaptable to change, air purifying, very responsive & bounces back quickly if neglected

Pets: Toxic to animals

Care Level: ♥ ♥


ZZ PLANT (Zamioculcas)

Light: Loves moderate to bright indirect light, but will do just fine in extremely low light areas.

Water: One of the only ways to kill this plant is to overwater it. Allow soil to dry out in between watering (every 8-10 days for my environment). If the leaves turn yellow, it is getting too much water.

Benefits: easy, easy & more easy

Pets: Mildly toxic (may cause mouth and stomach irritation)

Care Level: